Sunday 8 May 2011

Holistic Education, Economy and Health

Improvement in economy by means of holistic education is pivotal to Total Tension Management i.e. empowerment and blossoming of an individual, school, nation and the world.

If you analyze the poverty and associated globally prevalent problems leading to ubiquitous stress, with a holistic perspective, then it would be clear that the innate core (the spiritual domain that imparts universal perspective and globally beneficial outlook) and the productive domain (that empowers) of people concerned with education are grossly neglected and remain perennially deficient.

Mainstream Education Method and the courses and careers in it revolve around and serve the grossly petty and superficial considerations, motivations and interests (I am referring to what I have been observing in India for last half a century and guess that it is not considerably numerous in other parts of the world)! This state of affairs is strongly protected and strengthened by the political elements with comparable interests! Hence laws, rules and regulations develop accordingly!

Steps to rectify

1. Working physically in different methods and earning [productive domain] in itself, is not a burden. It is an opportunity to grow from inside. It is an opportunity to develop self esteem. It is an chance to grow to be self sufficient.

2. This leads to self sufficiency in schools. They do not have to depend on heavy fees or federal grants or donations. This makes the education institutions accessible to all and self sufficient!

three. Through productive domain the hypokinetic anxiety, emotional anxiety of being dependent and intellectual tension of excessive memorizing would be averted.

4. Due to productive domain, the dropping out due to lack of earning [as is frequent in case of millions of students in a large number of parts of world] and then turning into helpless, vulnerable and low-cost child labor would come down.

5. Being empowered, the students would not go via the stress of unemployment and turn into helpless, frustrated mental wrecks or criminals.

6. The emphasis on productive (and hence psychomotor and practical aspects) would bring down the necessity to "copy" and associated crimes and corruption in procedures of examinations, certification, supplying grants presently rampant in a number of parts of world.

The caste based reservation for education, jobs and other faculties responsible for social divide and strife in countless parts of the world (in particular India) can be peacefully and advantageously accomplished away with, by consensus!

This is only a brief sketch of the possible advantages of productive domain.

The practical aspects of productive domain can contain a variety of crafts and abilities and arts and their sale according to the situations. For example, planting of medicinal herbs, rearing of cows, house flower gardening, production of chalk sticks, carpentry, pottery, arts such as music, dance, painting and others.

Tips and hints

1. The productive domain need to be an critical ingredient of Mainstream Education System, but no particular job should really be enforced.

2. The productive domain ought to constitute only about twenty five percent of the school time.

three. The teachers and other people will need to participate in the productive domain.


1. Administrative aspects such as infrastructural development have to be accomplished with expert expertise.

2. It will need to be done with due care and concern for the physical capacities of the kids and need to not be painful and troublesome.

3. All this will need to be accomplished with a clear aim of all-round development of the students, Teachers and other concerned.

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