Sunday 1 May 2011

Ten Ways to Be Eco-Hip

You could be surprised to know the #1 issue you can do to aid the Climate Crisis will also significantly enhance your own well-being too:

1. Grow to be a vegetarian. Why? Since practically 20% of carbon emissions are generated from raising livestock for food including in mowing down the Amazon to plant feed crops and utilizing 50%+ of the world's grains to feed livestock while 1/6th of the planet's persons starve. The greenhouse gases generated in producing livestock for food exceeds emission from all forms of transportation combined (13%) and from all offices and houses (8%). By adopting a plant based diet you will turn into extra appealing, vibrant, trim and lower your risk for heart disease, cancer, diabetes and stroke.

2. Lower. Reuse. Recycle. Rethink. Check out, and for suggestions.

3. In the US, 1 billion plastic water bottles are discarded just about every week. They clog our landfills, fill our oceans, and leach harmful toxins into our environment. Use a residence water filtration system like Brita and reusable aluminum water bottles instead.

four. Use LED light bulb, and powerstrips with an on-off switch to cut off power and save 75% of 'phantom' energy drained by plugged-in, unused electronics.

five. Save our forests by using cloth shopping bags. Also cut back on packaging and use washable rags instead of paper towels.

6. Buy locally produced organics as much as doable. Including food, personal and property care merchandise. They are healthier for you and the planet.

7. Walk, bike, take public transportation and ride-share as considerably as possible. 1 hundred years ago the world population was 1.5 billion. Today it is 6.6 billion. Check out and discover about cities of the future.

8. Donate to the The Nature Conservancy's Plant a Billion Trees project at Only one $1 to plant a tree. Instead of buying gifts how about "buying" loved ones and friends a bunch of Amazon trees. Now that's something!

9. Request a presentation for your organization from TheClimate, and/or train to turn into one of their speakers, and/or go to and join or start off an activist Green group in your area.

10. Check-out Senator Obama's environmental strategy and get active in his presidential campaign. Come on folks...together let's get it carried out!

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